
After creating my digital design project, there is a lot of things I definitely would have improved or worked on differently.  After an in class checkup of our blogs, it finally sparked in my mind that this will be completely all trial and error.  Since this is my first time creating anything digital online, it is not supposed to be a perfect, it is supposed to resemble someone who is exploratory in his or her research about a certain topic.  Although I may be familiar with both fashion and music, I actually still learning about the effect of technology on both genres.   Some potential for revisions include an easier layout to read, although I really enjoyed my layout I wanted it to be not as artistic and a little more literary, yet my topic was fashion and music- two rebellious elements.   Some weaknesses include trying to keep up with posting interesting enough blogs in a reasonable amount of time so my viewers could relate in a quicker time span.  I really do feel like my blog is interesting, and I hope viewers will gain something from exploring it. 

It was a bit of an issue to try and not be too personal with my posts, since I tried to demonstrate a tone that was easily relatable to readers of the blog.  I did not want the blog to come off as biased towards one designer, publication, or website, I just wanted to inform the readers of the blog of what my favorite mediums pertaining to genres are.  My tone easily coincided with the information I was displaying; I was conveying a message I wanted to convey.  Being passionate about both genres is what allowed me to clearly communicate what I was feeling in an unbiased manner. 

Composing articles pertaining to both music and fashion required research about what conviction I wanted to display on the blog.  I think I really pieced together the full purpose of rhetorical composition, which was to communicate using text to a targeted audience.  I also learned that writing with feeling and honesty about a specific subject makes you a credible author and person to your audience.  By honestly blogging posts, I had to make sure the information was accurate yet relatable to fashion and music enthusiasts or viewers who nothing about either of the subjects.  I hope that I affectively garnered positive attention from my blog.  I also hope that I will not drive myself crazy in the future trying to produce something digital.  I think this exercise definitely helped me to observe and partake in new technology by creating a medium I never really knew how to design before.  By majoring in Editing, Writing, and Media I have to be prepared that in my future ambitions or future career I will need to be able to blog at any given moment.  I believe I also gave a couple of valid examples of new technology in my blog whether it was discussing the lack of interest in print media with a shift to online publication or the online streaming of new music. 

    I hope this website provided viewers with a sense of my identity, I think the array of examples of videos and pictures also add to the overall feeling of the site as well. I think I would give myself a B on this digital design project, because it shows there is still need for improvement on my first published blog.   

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